Use the text-transform property to change the case of the text:
The text-transform property in CSS is used to change the appearance of text. It's a convenient way to make sure text on a webpage appears consistently, without having to change the text content of the actual HTML elements.
The syntax for this is:
text-transform: value;
The following table shows how the different text-transform values change the example text "Transform me".
Value Result
lowercase "transform me"
uppercase "TRANSFORM ME"
capitalize "Transform Me"
initial "use default value"
inherit "use the text-transform value of the parent element"
none default: original text
Set the font size for multiple heading elements:
The font-size property is used to specify how large the text is in a given element. This rule can be used for multiple elements to create visual consistency of text on a page.
The syntax for this is:
font-size: value;
Set the font weight for multiple heading elements:
The font-weight property sets how thick or thin characters are in a section of text.
The syntax for this is:
font-weight: value;
A real-time example of these three CSS styles is:
h1 {
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