Assignment with a Returned Value:
If you'll recall that everything to the right of the equal sign is resolved before the value is assigned. This means we can take the return value of a function and assign it to a variable.
Assume we have pre-defined a function sum which adds two numbers together, then:
ourSum = sum(5, 12);
will call the sum function, which returns a value of 17 and assigns it to the ourSum variable.
Stand in Line (Queue):
In Computer Science a queue is an abstract Data Structure where items are kept in order. New items can be added at the back of the queue and old items are taken off from the front of the queue.
Understanding Boolean Values:
Another data type is the Boolean. Booleans may only be one of two values: true or false. They are basically little on-off switches, where true is on and false is off. These two states are mutually exclusive.
Note: Boolean values are never written with quotes. The strings "true" and "false" are not Boolean and have no special meaning in JavaScript.
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