Compound Assignment With Augmented operators

 Compound Assignment With Augmented Addition:

In programming, it is common to use assignments to modify the contents of a variable. Remember that everything to the right of the equals sign is evaluated first, so we can say:

myVar = myVar + 5;

to add 5 to myVar. Since this is such a common pattern, there are operators which do both a mathematical operation and assignment in one step.

One such operator is the += operator.

let myVar = 1;
myVar += 5;

6 would be displayed in the console.

Compound Assignment With Augmented Subtraction:

Like the += operator, -= subtracts a number from a variable.

myVar = myVar - 5;

will subtract 5 from myVar. This can be rewritten as:

myVar -= 5;

Compound Assignment With Augmented Multiplication:

The *= operator multiplies a variable by a number.

myVar = myVar * 5;

will multiply myVar by 5. This can be rewritten as:

myVar *= 5;

Compound Assignment With Augmented Division:

The /= operator divides a variable by another number.
myVar = myVar / 5;
Will divide myVar by 5. This can be rewritten as:
myVar /= 5;

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