Introduction to Internet Of Things

 The Evolution of Digital Transformation

In our world today, there are more smart devices than there are people. A growing number of people are connected to the internet, in one way or another, 24 hours a day. An ever-increasing number of people have, and rely on, three, four, or more smart devices. These might include smartphones, exercise and health monitors, e-readers, and tablets. It is forecast that on average, there will be 3.4 smart devices or connections for every person on earth.

The IoT is relevant to many industries. IoT systems contribute to the environmental controls, retail, transportation, healthcare, and agriculture industries among many others. According to Statista, the number of IoT devices that are in use across all relevant industries is forecast to grow to more than eight billion by 2030. As for consumers, important areas of growth are internet and digital media devices, which include smartphones. This area is also predicted to grow to more than eight billion by 2030. Other applications with more than one million connected devices are connected and autonomous vehicles, IT infrastructure, asset management, and electric utility smart grid.

How is it possible for so many devices to be connected?

Modern digital networks make all this possible. The world is quickly being covered with networks that allow digital devices to interconnect and transmit. Think of the mesh of networks like a digital skin surrounding the planet. With this digital skin, mobile devices, electronic sensors, electronic measuring devices, medical devices, and gauges are all able to connect. They monitor, communicate, evaluate, and in some cases automatically adjust to the data that is being collected and transmitted.

As society embraces these digital devices, as digital networks continue to grow around the world, and as the economic benefits of digitization continue to grow, we are seeing a digital transformation. Digital transformation is the application of digital technology to provide the stage for businesses and industries to innovate. This digital innovation is now being applied to every aspect of human society.

Incomplete 1.1.2 Lab - How Connected are You?

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