dictionaries in python

 In Python, a dictionary is a collection of key-value pairs. Each key is unique and is used to access the corresponding value. Dictionaries are also known as associative arrays or hash maps.

Dictionaries are defined using curly braces {} and are separated by commas. Each key is followed by a colon and its corresponding value. For example:

my_dict = {'key1': 'value1', 'key2': 'value2', 'key3': 'value3'}

You can also create a dictionary using the built-in dict() function. For example:

my_dict = dict(key1='value1', key2='value2', key3='value3')

You can access the values in a dictionary using the keys. For example:

print(my_dict['key1']) # Output: 'value1'

You can also add, update, and delete items in a dictionary. For example:

Adding an item

my_dict['key4'] = 'value4'

Updating an item

my_dict['key1'] = 'new_value1'

Deleting an item

del my_dict['key2']

Dictionaries also have a number of built-in methods that can be used to perform common operations. Some of these methods include:

  • dict.keys(): returns a list of all the keys in the dictionary
  • dict.values(): returns a list of all the values in the dictionary
  • dict.items(): returns a list of all the key-value pairs in the dictionary
  • dict.get(key): returns the value of the key if it exists in the dictionary, otherwise it returns None
  • dict.pop(key): removes the key and its corresponding value from the dictionary
  • dict.clear(): removes all items from the dictionary

Dictionaries are commonly used in Python for tasks such as counting the frequency of words in a text, storing configuration settings, and creating lookup tables.

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