For this exercise, you will need

  1. Arduino IDE on your computer

Let’s begin!

The Arduino IDE has many built-in libraries. These libraries are general purpose and work well with most small applications.

However, there are libraries developed by organizations and developers which are used for customized for a particular task. These libraries can also be externally downloaded and installed.

These standard or custom libraries make our life easier while coding. It is also possible to build your own custom library.

Including built – in/installed libraries to the code

To use a built-in library, go to Sketch -> Include Library -> Select the desired library

Built-in library

Installing external libraries directly on Arduino IDE

Some external libraries can be downloaded and installed directly through the Arduino IDE. Let us see an example of how to install a library from the Arduino IDE.

We will be installing the Adafruit DHT sensor library which is used the read values from a DHT11 digital humidity and temperature sensor.

Installing external libraries from ZIP file

Example: Let us see how to install the Grove – Multichannel gas sensor library from the zip file downloaded online

As you can see, the Grove – multichannel gas sensor appears in your installed libraries.

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